About Us

We firmly believe that Occupational Therapy treatment sessions are only one piece of the puzzle. Our main goal is to support you and your child in the home, at school, on the playground, at birthday parties, and any other environment where your child may experience difficulties. As a parent, you are the best source of information about your child. We highly value your thoughts and feedback on both your child’s behavior and on the therapy we provide. Parents are always welcome to observe the sessions and parents of younger children (ages 1-3) are encouraged to be a part of the therapy session. After each session, we discuss pertinent clinical observations and suggestions for that week at home. Carryover into the child’s environment is essential for your child’s success. We strive to both learn from and educate everyone involved in the child’s life (i.e school therapists, teachers, neurologists, and psychologists). Through phone calls, e-mails, and team meetings we make sure that everyone is working together for the betterment of your child.
Please feel free to contact us or e-mail us at any time if you have any questions or thoughts about the best way to help your child.