When your child comes to Positive Steps for an Occupational Therapy evaluation, we will guide you through the process and make it as easy as possible. We understand this is an overwhelming process and we strive to make you and your child feel as comfortable as possible. Below are the steps we take for all evaluations.

Please call our office at 973-994-4464 to begin the process. Our fantastic office manager will answer any questions you may have about the evaluation process (concerns/reasons you are seeking therapy, cost, scheduling, insurance) through a phone consultation. After the phone consultation, you will be asked to complete a new client packet. These forms will be e-mailed to you or can be downloaded from the Intake Forms tab. Please bring the completed forms with you at the time of your appointment or email them ahead of time to pspotc@positivestepsot.com.

The evaluation is typically 1 ½ – 2 hours with a parent consultation afterwards to go over initial impressions, discuss goals and formulate a treatment plan for your child. If warranted, we will communicate with your child’s other therapists or teachers to give Positive Steps the best picture of your child. A combination of clinical observation, parent reports, and standardized tests chosen specifically for your child will assess the following areas: Behavioral Observations – How your child transitions, acclimates to a new situation, ability to participate in all areas of evaluation such as: following directions, eye contact… Neuromuscular Assessment – Muscle tone, postural control and upper body stability Gross Motor – Screening of age appropriate gross motor skills Sensory Processing Skills – How your child’s nervous system processes information from the environment and produces a response. Visual Motor/Visual Perceptual Skills – How well your child’s eyes and hands work together Fine Motor Skills – Evaluate the small muscle movements that occur in the hands, wrists and arms ADL/Self Care – Ability to perform age appropriate self care tasks such as tying shoes, brushing teeth, getting dressed, feeding independently

A formal written report will be provided shortly after the evaluation. Once you receive the evaluation, we can set up a phone conference to go over the results of the evaluation and any questions you may have.

If treatment is needed at this time, we will determine the frequency, duration and intensity of the sessions. Depending on your child’s needs, a home program and or consultation with your child’s school will begin at this time.