Treatment Sessions

Therapy sessions will target your child’s specific needs as determined by their evaluation and ongoing observations. At Positive Steps, we are child-oriented and believe in making therapy fun. Your child’s interests and preferences are integral to the success of therapy. Sometimes it looks like we are “just playing”. If you ever have any questions about why we are doing what we’re doing, never hesitate to ask.
Sessions typically last for 45 minutes each. Your child’s goals shape the activities in a treatment session. Treatment time is spent in both the sensory gym, fine motor rooms and kitchen providing a lot of activity choices and the opportunity to work on transitions.
Our therapists keep daily notes to monitor your child’s progress toward their goals. Treatment does not end in the clinic. We will provide home programs, “fun homework”, classroom strategies and activities to ensure the generalization of skills.
All of our treatments are customized to your child’s needs, however, there are several treatment programs used frequently by Occupational Therapists. Their programs are organized and concrete making it easier to monitor progress and to utilize them in different environments (ie: school, home).
The following is a list of specialized programs that our therapists are trained in:
Learning Without Tears
Therapeutic Listening
Integrative Listening System
Astronaut Training Protocol
Interactive Metronome
How Does Your Engine Run
Zones of Regulation
Wilbarger Brushing Protocol
Sensory Integration Praxis Test
Kinesio Tape
Myofascial Release
Primitive Reflex Integration
And many more!